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Dear colleagues!
Best wishes for a Happy Holiday Season!
One of pleasures of holidays is the opportunity to extend cordial greetings to those whose friendship we value so highly!
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MGSU was included in the updated list of universities - recipients of a special part of the grant of the Priority 2030 program in the track “Territorial / Industry Leadership”
As this year, in 2024, MGSU was among the universities that received a special part of the grant of the Priority 2030 program in the track “Territorial/industry leadership.” In total, 27 universities will receive support for this track in 2024. more info→
MGSU student team became the prizewinner of the XI International Engineering Championship "CASE-IN"
Congratulations to the MosStroyExpert MGSU team and their mentor on their great victory in the finals! more info→
MGSU took part in China Hi-Tech Fair (CHTF)
Leading universities and research and production companies of Russia took part in the 25th China International High Technology Exhibition China Hi-Tech Fair (CHTF), states the official website of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. more info→
Delegation of Guizhou Transportation Vocational and Technical College visited MGSU
On November 15, the delegation of Guizhou Transportation Vocational and Technical College (GZCP) paid a visit to MGSU. The visit was aimed at establishing contacts in the field of Civil Engineering education and further development of joint educational programs together with MGSU. more info→
World Youth Festival: Let's start the future together!
Follow the link and apply! Registration for Russian participants is open until 4 November and forforeign participants until 1 December 2023. more info→

© 18.05.2024 | MGSU
در صورت بازنشر اطلاعات متنی و عکس، لینک به سایت دانشگاه دولتی مهندسی عمران مسکو الزامی است.