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Final conference EXTEND

Final conference EXTEND

Final conference EXTEND
On December 16-17, the final online Conference in the framework of international project of Erasmus + program EXTEND   "Excellence in engineering education through teacher training and new pedagogical approaches in Russia and Tajikistan" took place.
The consortium of the project, consisting of 12 Universities from the EU countries, Tajikistan and Russia, discussed the research carried out during the project, the goals achieved, as well as presented the results of the project and the further plan for sustainable development.
A welcoming speech was made by the Vice-Rector of MGSU Vera V. Galishnikova and the project coordinator Elizabeth Lazarou, Polytechnic University of Bucharest.
On the second day of the Conference, representatives of the Universities of the project partners (MGSU, BMSTU, NSTU, Tajik National University, Khujand State University, Technological University of Tajikistan, Kulyab State University named after A. Rudaki, Mordovia State University) presented the developed educational modules and the results of their piloting.
In the final part of the Conference, the issues of the functioning of the international scientific and educational centers "EXTEND center", created at 8 universities of the project partners, were raised to establish further cooperation and conduct joint events.
© 06.05.2024 | MGSU
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