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Ceremonial handing of RICS certificates to to the master’s graduates of NRU MGSU

Ceremonial handing of RICS certificates to to the master’s graduates of NRU MGSU

Ceremonial handing of RICS certificates to to the master’s graduates of NRU MGSU

Certificates of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) were awarded to the master’s graduates of NRU MGSU during a solemn ceremony held in the Academic Council Hall on November 30, 2017. This event is traditionally attended by distinguished guests, and this year A.A. Volkov, Rector of NRU MGSU, E.S. Gogina, Vice-Rector of NRU MGSU, Irina Komar and Alexander Kopylov, the top executives of RICS Russia and CIS, were present at the ceremony.

Three master-level programmes, offered by the Chair of Construction Process Organization and Real Estate Management, are accredited by RICS

-          Development in the construction and investment industry;

-          Surveying: the system analysis of land/real property management;

-          Forensic technical and value examination of real estate facilities.

The availability of RICS-accredited programmes confirms the high level of training provided to master students, as well as the top quality of the educational programmes, offered by NRU MGSU. RICS accreditation serves as the basis for the recognition of graduate diplomas in more than 140 countries hosting RICS offices.


RICS membership means a special status in the professional community; it is indicative of the highest level of qualification and professionalism. Therefore, our graduates can present themselves as exceptional professionals and obtain lucrative offers from employers. We are proud of our graduates who join this elite club of professionals.

This year, in excess of 100 masters obtained RICS certificates.

The welcome addresses were delivered by P.G. Grabovyy, Head of Chair of Construction Process Organization and Real Estate Management, and L.I. Pavlova, A.N.Kirillova, A.Yu. Butyrin, and K.Yu. Kulakov, the academic leaders of the master programmes. 

The speakers drove attention to the importance of international cooperation between NRU MGSU and RICS. They also wished the graduates success in their professional activities. 

The graduates expressed their heartfelt gratitude to the lecturers for their efforts and wished the university to develop and prosper.



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