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XIII International Scientific and Practical Forum «Environmental aspects of sustainability of construction and management of urban real estate»

XIII International Scientific and Practical Forum «Environmental aspects of sustainability of construction and management of urban real estate»

XIII International Scientific and Practical Forum «Environmental aspects of sustainability of construction and management of urban real estate»

On March 22-23, 2024, Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) will host the XIII International Scientific and Practical Forum "Environmental aspects of sustainability of construction and management of urban real estate", organized by the Ho Chi Minh University of Architecture and Construction and the National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering.

The Forum has a great tradition of developing international scientific relations on topical issues of the organization of construction and real estate management accumulated over the long history of meetings of scientists and practitioners of the two countries.

The Forum is held for the 13th time and is based on the rich experience of creating a platform for a productive international dialogue of scientists and practitioners from Russia, Vietnam and other Asian countries. Over the years, participants from different countries have presented hundreds of reports on modern and topical issues of ecological and economic justification of effective solutions in construction and real estate, environmental safety of social, transport, engineering infrastructure and other fundamental and applied aspects of sustainable development of the construction industry. The results of scientific research presented at previous conferences formed the basis for practical solutions in the field of construction organization and maintenance of construction projects, and collections of works were published based on the results of the work.

The forum's topics are traditionally devoted to a wide range of issues of ensuring sustainable development of territories and in the coming year will include the following main thematic sections:

Section 1. Territorial urban planning and mechanisms for adapting the renewal of existing buildings to natural conditions.

Section 2. Innovative and technical solutions for eco-sustainability of construction.

Section 3. Life cycle management of a construction object: technology, economics, expertise.

Section 4. Urban development and modernization of housing and communal infrastructure.

Section 5. Strategic directions for the development of urban transport infrastructure.

Section 6. Innovative, technical and information systems of the "smart city".

Section 7. Ecological cycle and rational use of resources in construction and real estate.

Following the results of the forum, a collection of scientific articles will be published, indexed in the international scientific citation database Scopus.

The international scientific committee of the forum and the editorial board of the collection of scientific articles include reputable scientists and researchers, including:

  • Le Van Thuong - Rector of University of Architecture Ho Chi Minh City, Doctor of architecture, Associate professor of architecture, author of more than 50 scientific publications, Vietnam
  • Petr Grabovy - Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Construction and Real Estate Management, MGSU, сhairman and member of scientific committees of more than 10 international conferences, author of more than 300 scientific publications, Russia
  • Sergey Anisimov – PhD, Professor of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, member of scientific committees of more than 10 international conferences, author of more than 100 scientific publications, Poland
  • Sergei Bolotin - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, St Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, author of more than 200 scientific publications, Russia

© 02.06.2024 | MGSU
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